Annual Leave

We have been working through some unprecedented times during the COVID-19 crisis, and although this summer 2020 is going to look much different than summers before, we need our rest. Over the past two months, we, along with every federal department, have witnessed significant restraint from the employer on granting annual leave. Over the past two months, citing operational requirements, the employer has been reluctant to grant any leave beyond a day to day basis.

When COVID-19 first struck in mid-March, UCCO-SACC-CSN called on the employer to continue accepting applications for leave, as the deadline to accept applications for the summer peak period was April 1st. We were advised by the CSC that this work would be done. However, they signaled that granting of this leave would be deferred to analyze operational requirements.

After some lengthy discussions with the Correctional Service, UCCO-SACC-CSN has been advised that the service will grant summer leave based on 9% of the total complement of staff at each classification level as per our Global Agreement for the period of June 1st to August 31st.

We have been advised however that any member on long term 699 leave will not form part of the total complement of staff in determining the 9% ratio of approved annual spots.

Currently, those on long term leave or disability insurance do not form part of the total complement of staff and the CSC has now determined that members on 699 leave as a result of child-care responsibilities, or because of personal underlying medical issues, or those of a dependant will be considered on long term leave.

It will be imperative that each local does a thorough review with the local employer to determine the total complement of staff, to determine the quota. 699 leave, for 30 days or less are to be included in the total complement of staff. 

Further to our discussions, we have reached an agreement with the CSC that they will not venture to schedule unused vacation leave between December and March 2020/2021.  We will continue our discussions with the employer on reasonable carry over provisions, given the unprecedented nature of this year.

The CSC will also continue to grant annual leave above the allotted quota provided it does not create an overtime situation, as per article I-B(5) of the Global Agreement.

The past few months have delivered a devastating blow to both our mental and physical health, as we continue to battle this crisis.  We hope that each member is able to take some rest this summer, and while following public health recommendations, enjoy some time away from the workplace with family.