On Friday, June 21st Bill C-83, an act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, received royal assent.
This highly debated piece of legislation was brought forward by the government to eliminate both administrative and disciplinary segregation and replace that regime with designated units called Structured Intervention Units (SIU). The push to amend the CCRA, once again, has arrived from the courts, which on two occasions (BC and Ontario) have found both Administrative and Disciplinary Segregation to be unconstitutional.
This piece of legislation and all of the policy changes that it will create will drastically change the work on the front lines of the Correctional Service. UCCO-SACC-CSN has maintained that if this Bill passed, the Union would need to be fully engaged as a partner in any decisions taken to ensure any hope of success.
The work will commence immediately. The union will engage the employer at each level, to ensure we have a say in answering all of the questions we have.