Here is a message from our National President, Jeff Wilkins, regarding masks and PPE.
I have just been advised that beginning as early as tomorrow in most institutions staff will be provided procedure masks when entering the institution. This comes in the wake of Canada’s Chief Officer of Public Health’s announcement that wearing non-surgical masks can help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 when social distancing measures can not be respected, as well as a continued push from UCCO-SACC-CSN to implement all reasonable measures for our protection.
The CSC is currently procuring millions of these masks to add to the current inventory. Remember that this mask is not meant for your protection, it is simply worn to mitigate spreading the virus if we may be carrying it without symptoms. Further PPE is required when in close contact with an inmate who is symptomatic or diagnosed positive with COVID-19.
Your Executive continues to work to make sure all proper PPE is available and issued when needed. If you have your own mask, you may wear it as well. Staff will be required to wear this mask when in any area that does not allow for safe social distancing. CSC has also indicated they are working on plans to provided masks to inmates when they are in close contact with staff or other inmates. Please stay tuned on this.